In March 2001, the New Jersey Private Well Testing Act (PWTA) was signed into law, and its regulations became effective in September 2002. The PWTA is a consumer information law that requires sellers (or buyers) of property with potable wells in New Jersey to test the untreated groundwater for a variety of water quality parameters, including up to 32 human health concern, and to review the test results prior to closing of title. Landlords are also required to test their well water once every five years and to provide each tenant with a copy of the test results. The test data is submitted electronically by the test laboratories to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for retention, notifying health department of water quality issues, and statewide analysis of groundwater quality.
Approximately 20-25% of the wells in the State have been tested under this program. Several maps were created to summarize PWTA data. These maps are intended to provide information to homeowners about potential risks. Homeowners with private wells are encouraged to routinely test their wells for bacteria, nitrates, and other contaminants that have been found to be a problem.
NJDEP regulates the construction of private wells. A newly constructed well is tested once for the presence of the contaminants regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Post construction regulation of private wells is the responsibility of individual counties or other local agencies.
EMSL Analytical, Inc. provides PWTA testing services across the state of New Jersey. For more information, contact us at 1-800-220-3675.